Our Story
FELLOW TRAVELERS, My distilling heritage goes back to the 1800’s, although sometimes skipping a generation. Somehow, someway the craft made its way to me. lt's a story alright. A story of how a kernel of corn grew into a full stalk then turned into bourbon. Meanwhile, this bourbon was aged in oak barrels leaving caramel and vanilla flavors intertwined to delightfully embrace the palate. Now in Kirklin Indiana, the story is still being written, Travelers Point is rich with laughter & community, a journey still in progress. Remember, life is too damn short to drink bad whiskey. Be well, safe travels and come visit us in Kirklin, we’d love to hear how you got here.
- Happy Suppin’ , Mel Lytton . Master Distiller Travelers Point

Mel is a rare breed. He is truly a renaissance man in a time where that is all but non-existent. Mel is a brick mason by trade, stone cutter, has worked on dairy farms, managed a herd of cattle in Virginia, operated heavy equipment, a blacksmith, master woodworker, and a distiller. Mel’s great grandfather started distilling bourbon back in the 1880s and the trade has been passed down to generations throughout the years.